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Ethics & Compliance

Ethics and Compliance

This Code of Conduct is the foundation of our compliance program, which is designed to ensure that the company follows all applicable laws and regulations. This Code applies to all employees, at all levels of the company and across all facilities.

See the links below for more information on our Code of Conduct.

Reporting Potential Misconduct

All employees are bound to the company’s Code of Business Conduct and are urged to report violations or suspected violations of the Code, and/or other possible legal and ethical lapses.

If you suspect a violation, you can communicate it anonymously through the following options below.

This channel is available any external party (i.e., customers, suppliers, agents, distributors, communities, third parties and shareholders) who wishes to raise a concern involving the Company.

To report any issue, you may:

E-mail us at [email protected]

Log onto Integritycounts

We pledge to appropriately investigate any report. We also pledge that we will not retaliate against anyone for making a good faith report.

Anticorruption and Bribery

Emergent Cold LatAm is committed to conducting all aspects of our business in keeping with the highest legal and ethical standards. We expect all employees and other persons acting on our behalf to uphold this commitment.  In accordance with this commitment, Emergent Cold LatAm has adopted this Anti-Corruption Compliance Policy (the “Policy”).  This Policy and the internal controls herein have been designed to prevent bribery from occurring, avoid the appearance of wrongdoing, and enable Emergent Cold LatAm to respond promptly and effectively to any inquiries about its conduct and the conduct of those acting on our behalf. 

See the links below for more information on our Anti-Corruption Policy

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